Mapsee an app to end Gender Violence

I’ve been developing some projects regarding gender violence over the past couple of years. Today I would like to present to you, how the younger generations are solving the problem.

Sofía Galán
3 min readMay 4, 2020

I’ve participated in Technovation for the last three years, however, this is the first time I had a team that submits an app. And to be honest it couldn’t have felt greater.

This is Tech Michis, a group of girls; Galia, Nicole, Xanath, Isabela, and Fer that built an app in Thunkable.

From left to right; Galia, Nicole, Xanath, Isabela, and Fer sporting their Thunkable blocks as their clothes.(Photos inspired by

Although it seemed sometimes impossible the girls worked non-stop to submit a video pitch, their app, and screenshots. They completely became committed to the project. So much, we actually went to the 8M protests in Mexico City.

The girls in our remote sessions in hangouts

The girls were exposed to the problem at its core and gathered feedback and testimonies of victims in Mexico City.

To develop the app we worked on a Design Thinking principle, they went onsite and gathered data about the problem. They talked to the victims and learn about the problem by empathizing with them. After that, they always went to the drawing board to define the problem and how it could be solved.

They came up with hundreds of ideas on how they could solve the problem and after that, they prototype it in Figma to later show it to the end-users. And you guessed it, they did it couple of times.

The girl’s Figma where they prototyped their idea.

Not only did they learn how to build an app from scratch but they also learned how to make a business pitch, define a market population, design a business plan, make a prototype in Figma, and draw their animations using Adobe Spark and Animaker.

All of this to present an app and a business in their second language. Not an easy task, imagine giving a business presentation in german... not an easy feat.

The girls used Google Drive as the main platform for their project.

I’m really proud of their overall work. They fully committed to the project and you can see it for yourselves. I would love to write how it works but I believe they explain it better than I’ve ever could.

I had to make an image for myself haha sorry not sorry.

If you like this project, consider joining Technovation Girl’s initiative to close the gender gap in technology.

Support girls, so they can learn how to make an app and overall a business.

You can join here.

Also, don’t forget you can learn how to build apps with Thunkable.

— Sofía



Sofía Galán

SWE @ Axiom Cloud / How-To Guides & Tutorials for Afterwork DIYs